be invisible

Posted by julien0912 On 23:49 0 commentaires

This article will teach you how to be invisible at the tables, and will help you make your attacks difficult to read - which will cause your opponents to make more mistakes against you.

Switch Games Frequently
So many players just sit at one game for hours on end. I do recommend staying at a game if you are reading the table well, and have a good idea how to exploit the players you are sitting with. A couple fish who keep reloading can also give you a good reason to hang around a single game for a long period of time.
However, with players coming and going games can turn from profitable to unprofitable very quickly.
If you are in a game and your reads on your opponents aren't great you have to switch games frequently. There are several reasons for this: First, while you may not have great reads there are players at the table who are developing good reads on you. The longer you stay at the table the better an observant player will be able to exploit you. Second, with statistical tracking software being used by a large percent of online players your opponents will get better at reading you as the game
goes on without even trying. The biggest problem online is that a lot of players use programs that tells them how much you raise, how many hands you are playing, and how
aggressive you are. Your opponents don't even have to remember how you play anymore, their software will tell them, and these programs are getting very common.
If you do not use this software you absolutely have to be switching games every five to ten minutes.
Third, in online games a juicy game can turn into an unprofitable game in a matter of a few hands. You may join the game because of a high Plr/Flop and Avg. Pot listing in the lobby, but you may very well have just replaced the player who pumped up those numbers.
The fact is that if those are your motives for joining a game then you need to remember that there are usually dozens of other games in the lobby. By
constantly watching the lobby you can be finding better games all the time.

Switch Sites Frequently

I like to keep a good sized bankroll on at least three sites. I also stop playing at a site after I've focused on it for awhile to avoid players getting to know me. I do this for three reasons:

1) Statistical Tracking Software
I touched on statistical tracking software above. Basically, all of the regulars are using programs that give them information about how you play - and that information goes right beside your username. The more hands you play against them, the more information they have about how you play.
Now I use this software too, but I like to switch things up to avoid being known by the regulars. I don't see any reason to become well known in the poker world, so I like to be constantly switching sites. The more frequently you play in a game, the less profit you will make because the regulars will start to get to know you, and how you play. Even if they just know you are a decent player you will lose opportunities. Most of us will call a bet if we think there is a possibility our opponent is a clueless moron, but will fold if we know that they know the basics of poker.

2) Better Game Selection
I'm always looking for the best games. Having three or more bankrolls on multiple sites guarantees that you can locate a juicy game.
For example, with Fixed Limit Omaha Hi/Lo I find that sometimes at night there is simply not enough games going (even on PokerStars) to find a game where five or more players are seeing the flop (my type of game).
Having bankrolls at multiple sites helps me to find those games.

3) Bonuses
When you stop playing at a site for awhile they start pummeling you with reload bonuses. I try to have one new site where I am working on a large initial deposit bonus, and on the other two I try to have reload bonuses going.
This means that I stop playing at a site for awhile until they send me a good offer for a reload. By having accounts at a dozen poker rooms I find that I am getting enough reload offers to constantly be playing for a bonus.
The only drawback is that it can cost you some loyalty programs, like PokerStars VIP program. However, considering the advantages above this can be a small price to pay. When you add in the fact that you are always playing for a bonus this disadvantage is not big enough to worry about.

Find Targets
There are two ways to do this. Your targets can be games or people. If your targets are games then you are constantly finding the juiciest games, and leaving as soon as you find a better one.
If you play heads up cash games then your targets will be people. You have to maintain a fish list and constantly be looking for your fish to sit down at a table.
Either way, you should be looking for the best games at all times. Don't sit at a game for hours like it's the best game you could be sitting at - there are always several juicy games on the bigger poker sites, and each individual game will go through periods where there just isn't any point to play.
It also helps to pick a player at each table you play and make them your target for the session. Learn everything about them, and make your goal to take their stack. When you pick a player to study you will find that you often get their stack, or at least steal a couple pots off of them. This can be the difference between a winning hour of poker and a break-even hour of poker.
I also like to keep a fish list, and join a table that has somebody from my list. I'll then study that player knowing that they are awful, and figure out how to best take their stack. I'm constantly searching for the players on my fish list while I play.

Don't Brand Yourself
So many players brand themselves at the poker table. On PokerStars, they add some stupid image which is easy to remember. On sites with avatars they stick with the same avatar for months.
You don't want your opponents to remember you. You want to be invisible at the poker tables.
Above all, don't brand yourself with a picture if your site offers the option.
It will only help people to remember you.
I've had times where I was twelve tabling and didn't have much time to read the table, but I noticed a person sitting at four or five of my tables strictly because they had a stupid picture.
Knowing that this player was at five of my tables I dedicated extra attention to them. To be honest, if they didn't have a picture I probably wouldn't have noticed. That picture cost them a lot of money that night, and because they were so awful they are on my fishlist and I have taken money from them a few times since that night.

Be absolutely invisible at the tables. Don't let the regulars notice you or get to know how you play.
Being invisible will add an edge to your game that very few players have. This edge is so great that even advanced players will find that their profits go up when they do this. You will get more action if you are a new face than if you are seen as a
regular. So keep your opponents off balance by switching games and switching sites as often as possible. While you are in a game don't brand yourself, and don't chat.


Don't Give Free Cards

Posted by julien0912 On 23:50 0 commentaires

Many players fail to adequately protect their hands, and let another player at the table take the lead. They do this in two ways:
- Checking when they should bet
- Betting too low, and giving their opponents the odds they need to call.

Either way, giving a free card is the wrong play in most situations.

This article will discuss the dangers of giving your opponents free cards and will provide you with four solutions to avoid this mistake at the tables.

Preflop Decisions
Reducing the number hands you play out of position will help to avoid the trap of giving free cards. In early position it is often impossible to bet without telling your opponents
you have a monster. Even worse, if a player behind you was the preflop aggressor you often want them take the lead in the hand to ensure you are at least getting a continuation bet. When they opt to check instead, you have given a free card to anyone still in the hand.

Therefore, where possible avoid playing in early position.

Style of Play
All poker books preach an aggressive style of play. More specifically they preach a tight aggressive style, but a loose aggressive style is often suggested in some games. For those of you unfamiliar with these terms, tight aggressive means you see very few flops, but you raise frequently when you do play. Loose aggressive means that you are constantly playing hands, and putting maximum pressure on your opponents.
The opposite of aggressive is passive. Passive means that you prefer to check/call than to bet/reraise. It is interesting to note that none of the popular poker books preach playing a passive style on a regular basis. When you play aggressively you not only avoid giving your opponents free cards, but players also start to wonder if you actually have what you are
representing. This means that by playing aggressively you will eventually encourage
players to play back at you when you have a hand. Therefore, you need not worry about playing your big hands passively because your opponents expect you to bet whether you have hit or not.
You wait for a player to play back at you in the wrong situation, and bet your big hands in the same manner you would bet a hand when you miss. If you have been playing passively, and then suddenly get aggressive, players will know you have what your bet is representing.

When to Play Passively
Most players agree that the only time you should play passively is when there are very few hands that could call a bet AND when giving a free card is very unlikely to put your opponent in the lead.
For example, on a flop of 773 you are unlikely to get a lot of action with 77. It is therefore advisable to give your opponent a chance to make a straight or flush. Notice that there are no cards that can fall on the turn to give your opponents the lead.
One of the worse times to give another player a free card would be on a flop of 3 4 8 while holding A8. An overcard is coming about half the time here, and you are not going to be able to play your hand very hard. You should be trying to take this pot down on the flop if possible.

Avoid being greedy, take what’s in the pot
In the A8 example above, a small bet designed to keep players who are behind in the hand would be a mistake. Now, it may not be possible to bet big. If there was action preflop then overpairs are a strong possibility (Although it does sort of serve you right for being in a big pot with A8 - you knew the gamble when you called a preflop raise with A8). However, let's assume that you have reason to believe that your hand is favored at the moment. Your bet should be close to the size of the pot. You want to bet confidently in order to have the maximum chance that you
don't need to see a turn card. The added bonus of a pot sized bet is that a reraise will signify a very big hand, and you will have plenty of information to decide how to proceed.

Make a commitment to yourself to not give free cards.
When it is your turn to act always consider whether your hand is likely to be the favorite. If you believe that you have the best hand bet it. Similarly, if you have a strong draw, and you believe that nobody connected enough with the flop to call you then again you should bet.
Above all, play aggressive poker, and don't call preflop raises out of position. When you are out of position you are often forced to give free cards. So avoid being in that situation in the first place wherever possible.


Don't call too much pre plop

Posted by julien0912 On 23:53 2 commentaires

Here's the biggest mistake most people make, calling too much. There simply aren't many flops that we will like with any hand. The large majority of the time you will miss the flop with any hand. Even AK misses the flop most of the time.
The player who takes the lead preflop will win the hand the large majority of the time over the long run.

Calling a preflop raise too light is a serious leak that most online poker players suffer from. So don't be ashamed to admit that you are calling raises you shouldn't be - we all do.
As far as costly mistakes go, it's far less costly to fold too much than to call too much. So tighten up your calling requirements a bit, and know that you are saving yourself money.
This article will look into one of the most common leaks that poker player suffers from, and will help you to make profitable adjustments to your preflop game.

Calling a Preflop Raise

So should you never call preflop? No, not at all. But there are certainly hands that you should do it with, and others that you shouldn't. With poker pairs Nine or lower and suited connectors QJ or lower you want to get in the pot cheap with a high likelihood that somebody will pay you off if you hit. So calling a preflop raise with these hands preflop is often the right play.
These are hands that have the opportunity to flop monsters. When they don't flop monsters they are easy to get away from. These hands also play very well multi-way. Having three or four players seeing the flop makes it more likely that you will get action once you flop your flush, straight, or set.

The Trouble Hands
The hands that cost people money are AT and lower, and King Jack and lower. There are also players who call preflop raisers with trash like Q10 offsuit, or worse yet random hands like 10 7. It is safe to say that these hands are also unprofitable to call preflop raises with. All of the hands above are -EV to call a preflop raise. Sometimes AT is playable to a preflop raise, and occasionally KJ, but not all the time.

It's important to realize that most of the time it's a play that will lose you money over the long run, and to know the factors that would make calling with these hands a good play.
In the case of KJ, you should never call a preflop raise out of position, and you should only call in position if you can come up with a good reason why you're doing it.

In the case of AT, this is one of those spots where you need to be careful. For most players, calling with AT preflop out of position will be -EV over the long run. Many players lose money overall with AT, and eliminating out of position calls, and situations where you are calling a preflop raise made by tight players, would bring most players out of the negative. However, if your opponent has a wide range of hands they would raise with (hopefully including A2-A9 and KJ) then you are likely crushing their range. If your AT is suited, you're in position, and your opponent has a wide range of hands they would raise with, then a call is always the right play. Needless to say, all junky Aces like A8, A3, etc, are -EV to call preflop raises. Most of the time you won't flop an Ace, and you will lose money when your opponent has a better Ace. It's very -EV to call a preflop raise with a junky Ace.

The biggest problem occurs when you do flop an Ace on a draw heavy board. Now you need to protect your hand, but your hand is so weak that you can`t play it very hard without finding yourself in a tough spot on the turn and river. Does your opponent have a drawing hand or a higher Ace? It's very hard to figure out the answer to that question before the showdown.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that I'm referring to full ring games, and to a lesser extent 6-max. Obviously, AT is a monster at a heads-up table, and at a six max table it is also a fairly strong hand. Also, I am referring to calling a raise. AT is a great hand to raise, and it would usually be a mistake not to raise it. However, once there has been a raise you have to look at things differently.

What About Re-Raising?
Everything above in relation to calling a preflop raiser applies to reraising. The difference with reraising is that you have the chance to take the lead, and you also have fold equity. Therefore, it is often favourable to raise instead of just calling.
For example, if I flop middle pair top kicker I will often check-raise to find out where I stand in the hand. I don't want to be calling bets on all three streets to find out, "Oh, he did have top pair, woops". I want to put out one single bet to try to take down the pot.
Another example would be AK preflop. If a player in middle position raises, and you have AK on the button, you will usually want to take the lead by putting in a reraise. That way, even when you miss, your opponent is likely to fear overpairs and check to you. You can then put in a continuation bet and take down the pot most of the time. If they do play back at you, you are beat.


Most players understand reraising requirements far better than calling requirements. Calling is only for hands that are likely to be clear favorites on a good flop.
If you call with hands like KJ or AT out of position too much you will find that you are losing big pots because your opponents often have a higher kicker.
Leave those mistakes to your opponents. Either take the lead in the hand and play it aggressively, or throw your hand away and wait for a better spot.
But above all, stop calling out of position with KJ or worse, it's such a huge leak.

Playing Aggressive Poker

Posted by julien0912 On 07:59 0 commentaires

You MUST play poker aggressively. But what does that mean?

Aggressive poker means that when you decide to play a pot you raise. This gives you the credibility to represent a big hand by continuing to bet after the flop. You only stop betting if an opponent makes it clear that they have a better hand that they are not likely to fold.

Playing aggressively is also a method of getting information about your opponents hand while putting maximum pressure on them. An added bonus is the advantage of possibly forcing your opponent to fold the winning hand.
For example, you have AQ and you make a preflop raise of four big blinds from the button. The big blind calls you. The flop comes down K 7 4 rainbow. The big blind checks. Some players pass on their chance to bet here. The turn comes down a Jack. The big blind makes a pot sized bet,
and wins the pot. Wrong, wrong, wrong. If a tight player fails to flop top pair or better out of position, that is often enough for them to let their hand go. For this reason, a continuation bet is
almost always a profitable play in a heads up situation. Aggressive poker also refers to the size of your bets. In the example above, you have to bet at least 2/3rds of the pot, if not closer to the whole thing.
Betting half the pot or less is considered a weak bet, and you are making it much easier for someone to call you with a small pair that they would otherwise fold.

The other benefit of playing aggressively is that it helps your table image.
If you have been raising a lot you may get paid off when you make a big hand and bet it the same way as your bluffs. So many players who play passively, and then get upset when they finally flop a full house and get no action. Why would anybody give you action if you are playing passively and then all of a sudden switch gears? The money is always much looser when you appear loose with yours.

Finally, when you are the one betting you have fold equity.
Fold equity refers to the likelihood that your opponent will fold to your bet. Using fold equity makes any hand more profitable because you add the chance of winning the pot without seeing a showdown.

If you're playing a tight opponent who will only continue if they significantly hit the flop, you have tremendous fold equity. You need to be betting as many flops as you can against that player. Many players fit this category.

The only ones that don't fit that description are very good players and really loose donkeys. Almost everybody in the middle plays that way in most situations.

There are two main things you need to do to play an aggressive style of
- Take the Lead Preflop
-Play your Hand Aggressively

Taking the Lead Preflop

If you have a good hand then take the lead by raising before the flop. Limping with a good hand can occasionally be a good play if you have aggressive players behind you who is raising almost every hand. However, only try this at a full ring table from early position. If you do it, take the
lead by re-raising, but in general it is the wrong way to play a big hand preflop.
Unless you're purposely trapping a specific player, it is better to take the lead. The biggest problem with letting your opponent take the lead is that they will likely win a larger pot from you if they hit a good flop because you will have trouble distinguishing their bet on the flop from a standard continuation bet.
If you do let your opponent fire first preflop it is a good idea to put in a reraise before the flop so that you have the lead going to the flop. This will give you more fold equity, both on your preflop raise as well as on your continuation bet once the flop comes down.
Also, the addition of three more cards can put your opponent in the lead. If you check before the flop with QQ, and your opponent checks behind you, you will have no way of knowing if you are ahead on a flop of 4 5 7. A raise would have driven out 45, 47, 57, 68, and 3 6, but your opponent can have any of these now.
You also want to be taking the lead with mediocre preflop hands when you have the dealer button (For example, pocket Nines and KJ). Taking the lead and having position makes KJ, 99, and many other marginal hands, very profitable at most tables.
Finally, taking the lead ensures that you will not end up playing a family pot against multiple players by narrowing the field. Even pocket Aces become weak against five players. With five players seeing the flop somebody is bound to hit a set, two pairs, or a strong draw.
In fact, you will find that playing AA without narrowing the field will cost you more than it will make you, because when someone does catch up on you, it's difficult to throw it away, and you will probably pay them off. Taking the lead in a hand puts you in the captain's chair for the hand, and you will find that by entering more hands with the lead you will be in fewer marginal situations after the flop.

Play Your Hand Aggressively

If you enter the hand with the lead and it is checked to you, it is correct to bet almost every time. The only time you shouldn't be making a continuation bet on the flop would be if you find yourself up against three or more players. Betting into three players is dangerous, and on most flops it won't work, unless you think your hand rates to be best.

Decide the size of your continuation bets based on the texture of the flop.
If the flop is K J 4 rainbow, and you have AQ like the example above, then you need to make a continuation bet that a player with a Jack can't call - probably close to the whole pot. You want a call, or a reraise, to establish that they definitely have a King or better, and you want everything else to fold.
Your opponent will miss the flop twice as many times than they connect with it, so betting most flops is generally profitable over the long run. You want to put the maximum amount of pressure on your opponents while disguising your big hands.
If you get called on the flop, you still have the lead for the turn, and you can proceed accordingly. This means that your opponent will almost always check to you on the turn, and you can take a free river card.

Playing in position

Posted by julien0912 On 10:02 0 commentaires

The home team is always considered to have an advantage when it comes to wagering on sports. In poker, a similar boost goes to the player who has the positional advantage during a hand.
On a larger scale, the players who focus on making sure that they have favorable position as often as possible will have an edge over those who are less selective. The good news is that there are plenty of players who fail to focus enough on their position.
First, players who are new to the game fail to understand how big of a leak it is to call preflop raises out of position.
They also fail to understand the benefit of buying the button, and the importance of sizing their preflop raises to reduce the likelihood of having players call behind them.
Second, the large majority of players have been told that position is important, and they know it is, but when they are in the trenches they find themselves somehow justifying preflop calls that leave them out of position.
This article will help you to obtain favorable position at the poker tables as often as possible.

The Benefits of Position

When you are the last person to act in a hand you always have more information than any person who acted before you.
Your decisions are much clearer when you have position. If you make a bet from early position, and your opponent raises, it is not always clear where you stand. However, if your opponent checks from early position and then reraises you it is very clear that they have a real hand.
Having position also allows you to make positional raises and semi-bluffs.
For example, if your opponents check to you on the flop, you can make a positional raise with high fold equity. Because everybody has declined to bet, and calling would leave them out of position, they are not likely to call a raise without a very strong hand.
You can also bet your strong draws in position as a semi-bluff. By semibluffing you can either win the pot right there, or you can win a large pot if you hit. The bonus of a semi-bluff is that if you hit your hand there is a large pot in the middle, and your opponents will often be committed to call another bet.
Late position players also have the option to take a free card, whereas a person in early position must check and hope that the late position player does not bet.
For example, if you raise on the flop your opponent will often check the turn with a strong hand to pick off a second continuation bet. However, because of your position you are able to see the river for free, and have another chance to draw for the best hand.
Another option available to late position players is floating. Floating someone is when you use your positional advantage to outplay someone by taking the pot away from them on a later betting round. This advanced technique is used to attack weakness, and enables you to steal the pot from your opponent on the turn or river without necessarily having a strong hand.
In summary, late position players have so many options to work with in playing their hands. These added options are possible because they have more information to work with.

Disadvantages of Playing Out of Position

In addition to the benefits of having position, there are several disadvantages to playing from early position. In early position, your opportunities to bluff are severely reduced because of your position. You are essentially forced to play your hands for value.
While some bluffing is still possible it's far more difficult because you will be out of position on the next betting round if your opponent calls you. Why settle for one way to win, when you have two in position?
Another problem with early position occurs when you check. If you check in early position and your opponent bets, are they betting because they have a hand, or because you checked? It is often expensive to find out the answer. As mentioned above, in position you can make a positional raise, which means you hand that advantage to them when you call from out of
Playing a drawing hand is always more difficult when you are not the last to act. If you check, your opponent's bet will force you to put money in bad.
However, if you bet and get called you may find yourself out of position without improvement on the next round of betting.
Worse yet, if you are reraised you either have to let go of the hand, or chase your draw without proper odds. When you do hit your draw your bad position will often limit how much you can win because betting out could
scare them, and check-raising is a dead give-away that you have a monster.
Probably the biggest problem with being out of position is hitting a weak hand that you believe is best. For example, there are three players in the pot and the flop is 2 7 9. You hold A9 and are first to act. Basically, in this type of situation seeing a turn is dangerous because there are very few turn cards that would allow you to proceed confidently.
When you do see a turn, it is more than likely that your opponents didn't connect. However, your poor position puts you in a very tough spot with little information to work with.

Securing Favorable Position

Despite the many problems inherent in being out of position, and the advantages of having position, many players find themselves justifying plays which leave them out of position. In order to always be in position, you must first acknowledge the importance of position, and to remember this at all times while you are playing.
A great man once said, "The three most important things in poker are: Position, Position, and Position".
When we are playing we make up these excuses to justify going into a hand without position, "Well, he's raised three hands in a row, so I'll call", or "Well, my King Jack is suited, I call". Worse still, you're not only going into the hand without position, you also don't have the lead.
Your opponent has two things going for them, position and the lead, and your only justification for calling is that you can't fold two face cards. Who do you think has the edge in a hand like that? So make some simple changes to your game, and remember that calling out of position is a much
bigger leak than folding too much.
If you refuse to play mediocre hands out of position, you will be guaranteed to face fewer difficult decisions after the flop.

Limping Preflop

When you limp preflop you encourage other players to try to see a flop as well. Worse still, if another player raises from behind you then you will be tempted by pot odds to play out of position.
With some hands it is proper to limp preflop, but with many you either want to take the lead, or wait for a better spot. Basically, you really shouldn't be limp/calling with any hand that you are not willing to raise with. However, if you must limp/call promise yourself before you make the
call that you will not play a big pot with just top pair and a weak kicker.
Break that promise and you just may break your bankroll.
It is therefore favorable to raise from middle position than to simply limp.
You have the chance to buy the blinds, and you also have a chance that you will only be called by players who will act before you. It also defines your hand, which helps you to define your opponent's hands.
So before you limp, ask yourself if you should raise to drive out the players who will act after you.

Buying The Button

You always want to size your preflop raises to ensure that you are buying the button. Buying the button means that all of the players who act after you fold, making you the last player to act on all streets.
For example, you are dealt Ace King, and there are two players who act after you (the cutoff and the button). A player before you limps into the pot. You make your standard raise of three times the big blind to stay
consistent with how you generally raise.
You just made a mistake. Now, the cutoff and button can call you for only three big blinds, and they each know that they have good position for the hand. Worse still, your bet wasn't big enough to represent any sort of real hand. You're about to play a pot against 3-5 opponents, and as far as taking the lead goes you didn't do a great job.
Strong starting hands lose a lot of their value as additional players see the flop. If one or two players check to you on the flop you can make a positional raise, and buy the pot even though you missed. With five players that play isn't going to work very often.
In the example above, you had a limper in early position that is probably going to see a flop with you. You therefore aren't worried about attracting callers because you probably have at least one. Also, the blinds get a discount - so one of them is probably in too. Raise at least 3-4 big blinds plus one big blind for every limper, if not more.
Use your knowledge of your opponents to judge how much you need to bet to narrow it down to one or two callers who you have position on. The button is the most valuable chip on the table. Always buy it when you have the chance.


To summarize:
1. Make a conscious commitment to play in position
2. Don't call preflop raises out of position
3. Avoid limping where possible, and instead consider trying to buy the button
4. Size your preflop raises to discourage action from players who will act after you
Using these techniques on a regular basis you will find that you are in position more, and that will translate into an edge over players who are often out of position more often.
In general, poker is a game of small edges, but this is a big one. Staying in position is one of the largest edges a poker player can have. However, most players justify not having position far more often than they should.
Practice perfect positional play and you will probably plunder plenty of profitable pots.


How do I Win at Poker?

Posted by julien0912 On 09:42 0 commentaires

If the online poker world was a pie chart you would see two giant slices and a tiny sliver. The first giant slice would be the losing players - the majority of players.
The second large slice would comprise of players who are very close to break-even - they beat the rake, but they never really win any money playing poker.
The third slice, a tiny sliver, would represent the winning players who are making the money they want to be making at online poker - probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 10%.
If you don't find yourself in the small group of winning online poker players, the best remedy is to start to look into the different things that winning players are doing to consistently win. This article will look into the things your opponents are doing to win at poker.

Use a Hand Replayer

One of the most important things that almost all consistent winning players do is objectively review their sessions at a later time.
A hand replayer is a piece of software that allows you to watch yourself play after the game has ended. Some hand replayers will even show you your odds of winning on each street, your pot odds, and other information.
Regardless of what your hand replayer does or doesn't show you, the most important thing is that you use one - regularly. When you are playing poker there is emotion, a time factor, and other factors that prevent you from being objective about your game.

When you watch yourself play later on you see things in a different way, and you will find that you start to learn from your mistakes, and improve your game. When you watch yourself make a mistake you will be able to spend some time thinking about how you should have played, whereas during the actual game the next hand gets dealt and there is no time to think objectively about the last hand.
Similarly, in almost every competitive sport (football, hockey, boxing, etc), every professional athlete reviews film after each game to find ways they can improve. At the top levels it's really not an option. The same holds true in poker. If you are not reviewing your sessions regularly you will have a difficult time making it to the top tiers of the poker world.
Poker Specific Statistical Tracking Software
Statistical tracking programs analyze the hand history files which a poker site saves to your computer. These programs will tell you how often you raise preflop, how much money you are winning or losing with AA (or any other hand), and countless other statistics. You can also see how much you are winning/losing from each position (SB, BB, Dealer Button) with each
starting hand.
Many good players are shocked to find out that they have actually lost money overall with hands like AQ and JJ. One profitable player I know was stunned to learn that he was actually a losing player with pocket Aces, even though overall he was a winning player.
As if that wasn't enough data to sort through already, these programs also collect all of this data on each opponent you play at the table. You can see whether each opponent is profitable or not (based on the hands you have played against them), how often they raise preflop, how often they win at the showdown, and much more. Opponent profiling not only adds an edge to your game, it is being used against you by a growing population of players who use this software (and it is growing fast to the point that it is becoming a perquisite to playing online poker).

Heads Up Displays
Closely connected to the statistical tracking software described above are Heads Up Displays (HUDs).
An HUD is a program that takes the data that your statistical tracking program collects and puts it right into the poker client. This means that as you look at the table on your screen you not only see the usernames of the players you are playing, you also see a wealth of information about how
they play.
A growing percentage of your opponents can see how you are playing in real time. They know how often you raise before the flop. They know how many flops you are seeing. They know how aggressive of a player you are.
All of this information is right at their finger tips.
If you are playing without this tool you are doing so at a handicap. You wouldn't take an even money wager that the 1st ranked sports team will lose to the sports team in dead last place, so why play against players who can see how you are playing without knowing how they are playing?

Discuss Poker Strategy with Friends
Talking about tough laydowns, marginal calls, and other hands that you are uncertain about is helpful to bring perspective to your game. In this way, you can reduce the frequency of costly mistakes without the cost.
These days, knowing other players who play poker is not a prerequisite to doing this. This brings us to the next thing that your opponents are doing to develop an edge which is essentially an extension of this point.

Participate Actively in Poker Forums
The major online poker forums (2+2, pocketfives, etc) are full of meaningful discussions about poker. Discussions range from basic poker theory to advanced probability, and from Hold'em to lesser known games such as Pineapple.
The major online poker forums provide an unlimited source of free poker literature on any topic. While poker books are beneficial to your game, an unlimited source of knowledge on the game of poker is available to you free of charge.
Actively participating in poker forums has also become a very important edge that a lot of your opponents are using. A growing percentage of the threads are people posting hands that they want feedback on (such as a tough laydown), and asking the poker community whether they played their hand right. This, like discussing poker strategy with friends, brings an objective perspective (multiple perspectives), and can be an even more efficient way to develop your game.
In poker, there is not always only one answer to any questionable situation. Learning multiple perspectives gives you the best chance of making the best possible decision when you encounter a similar situation in the future. It's a quick and easy way to find out if you are playing as
perfectly as you think you are.

Read Poker Books
We touched on the unlimited body of information available on poker forums, but poker books still have an important role in developing your game. For instance, Dan Harrington's three volumes on tournament play were so good that I honestly feel that a player who hasn't read them has no place in a poker tournament with a significant buy-in. Their intuitive skills at the game of poker are not enough against players who have studied these three books on tournament play carefully, and applied their principles.
Reading poker books will improve your game, and you can be sure that your opponents are reading them. In order to keep up with your opponents you need to be constantly bringing fresh perspectives to your game.
I should put a quick disclaimer here about reading books because I see so many players make the same mistake. When a typical player first learns about the value of playing in position, they overplay their position. When you read a poker book you will almost always naturally overplay some aspects of what you have just read. You will learn about some great new concept like fold equity, or the squeeze play, and you will overuse it.
One solution would be drop down a limit or two and practice what you have learned outside of your regular limit after you've done some reading. With less pressure you will be able to experiment with the new concepts you have learned before applying those concepts in high pressure situations.

Poker Coaches
Poker coaching is becoming a huge business, and thousands of players are turning to coaches to bring their game to the next level. Players are paying anywhere from $30 to $1,000 an hour to learn from the best. If poker is not a sport it sure does fit the definition closely, and there aren't many players at the top tier of any sport that could say that they reached that level without using a coach at one point or another.
So what does a poker coach do? A poker coach for an online player is generally is available by email or messenger, and helps you to improve different aspects of your game. In most cases this involves sending the coach hands, or sessions, via email which they review and then respond
with feedback on how you played the hand or session.
This, like several other methods discussed in this article, is another way to bring a fresh perspective to your game.

Almost every person who sits down at a poker table feels that they are naturally suited to be a profitable poker player. It is natural to think that your individual skill set will naturally make you a winning poker player, but with more people working on their game using the tools described in this article there aren't many players who can just sit down at a poker table and
collect money consistently.
Poker is not free money day, it is a game of skill which millions of players are studying, many quite regularly. Whether you choose to implement some or all of these tools as part of your arsenal is your decision. Just know that each one you add will help you to even the playing field, and become a more profitable poker player.
Remember, poker is not a zero sum game. You cannot be in the 51st percentile and expect to be profitable. Every poker room takes a rake from each hand, and this means that many good poker players are either losing players, or break even players.
This is why it is so important to constantly work on your game. You'll win that big tournament some day if you set your mind to it. If you play enough satellites and take enough shots at those big tournaments it will happen sooner or later. Just know that the length of time it takes will be
directly correlated to how much effort you are willing to put into becoming the best poker player you can be. Above all, never stop learning.
